Happy Easter!
While listening to the latest Diggnation podcast, Alex muttered multiple sentence fragments together while sipping his beer and talking about that story about an animated GIF showing a stabilized version of the infamous Bigfoot film. Alex mentioned that he though he saw an Easter egg in Braveheart of one of the fighters wearing a “today” watch as apposed to no watch at all, which is what it was like in the time that Braveheart was portraying. So I got intrigued and wanted to find it. Well, after a little bit of searching, then getting lazy, I ran across a site that catalogs a ton of Easter Eggs that are in everything from programs to movies to games.
Here is the site: eeggs.com
There are some with pictures of the Easter eggs and some without pictures. For the ones without, feel free to be the first to add the picture to the newest egg so the site becomes even better.
Here are a few that I enjoyed:
LINK1: This is one to make winning XP’s solitaire a bit easier, just a little bit.
LINK2: This one is a FireFox egg that lets you know just who the more dominant browser is.
LINK3: And, of course, we cannot forget the infamous “Sex in the Sky” from Disney’s The Lion King.
And there are many more for you too see. Feel free to give it a look through. The ones I looked through are the ones with the pictures, but there are a ton more that have no pictures yet. However, the ones without pictures do have detailed instructions on how to make your way to the Easter egg. Enjoy!
Sorry about the links not working. They are fixed now.
just letting you know you need to fix your links. They are all kinda broken... :(
Sorry about the links not working. Mental note: do not use word to write the blog then cut/paste into blogger. Problem fixed, all the links work now. My bad!
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