Thursday, February 23, 2006

Google's Page Creator

I found out about Google's new Ajax website creating service called Page Creator. I spent some time tinkering with it this morning and have some pros and some cons.

First off, I have been thinking of moving from Blogger to something else, most likely Word Press. I do like Blogger, but I just need something that is a bit easier. I want to have a second side bar on the left of my page, but first I want to adjust the main column's width, as well as the main header's width. But in order for me to do that, I need to adjust the width of the images that they are sitting on. That's where I'm having some troubles. So I figured a new service might make it a bit easier.

Here is what I came up with so far on my Google Page. I would like to keep it similar to what I have now, but I think that it might just be a simple web site creator with nothing too fancy to offer me. There is a lot of stuff in my blog now that I need access to the template in order to make the link work, ie my site counter.

Maybe when the service is officially released I will be able to get a better feel for what it has to offer. I think they are still testing it out, because I kept getting booted with a note saying something along the line of another user has ended my session and some changes may be lost. I didn't loose any changes I made, but it kept happening over and over through out the time I was fiddling with the layout.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard about Google Page yet, thanks for the link.

I have been using Wordpress since last May and have really liked it. If you want to try it on their servers you can sign up for a free account before you decide to get your own hosting. Here is their link:

I think they are well worth it if you are willing to tinker around with things.
