Friday, February 24, 2006

BlogMad Comming Soon... Real Soon!

In the latest new letter to the beta members of BlogMad, a statement was issued that every thing could be up and running as soon as next Tuesday, February 28. You can get into beta right now, but it's by "invite" only. I say "invite" because all you really have to do is click on the link in my side bar to sign up for it.

BlogMad is a credit driven trafficking sight. The more credits you get the more traffic you get. You can get credits a few different ways, by just surfing other BlogMad blogs, playing poker style games, or by winning them. Yes, the last two are different. You can win the credits different ways between the games and the winning of the credits. You can just win the credits when you are surfing the blogs. The more you surf the more credits you get per blog, but you also have the chance to just win extra credits while doing this. Kind of like a lottery thing.

So what are you waiting for?! Sign up at now! When you sign up during beta you get 25 free credits to start!

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